Thursday, October 17, 2019

Installation and Setup.

Though there are several ways to install Python for Windows, but for the sake of this article we will use Anaconda. It is undoubtedly the most widely used Python environment at the moment. To download Anaconda, go to this link:

Scroll down a bit and you should see the download options. Select, Python 3.6 as shown in the following screenshot:

This will download an Anaconda installer to your computer. Open the installer and you will see the following options:

Follow these steps for installation

  • Click the "Next" button. Terms and Condition will appear, you can read if you have enough time but you can click "I Agree" anyways.
  • In the next window select the type of installation you want. If you are absolute beginner to Python I would recommend selecting, "Just me" option.
  • Next, select the installation folder (Default is best).
  • Advance options dialogue box will appear, keep the first option unchecked and the second checked and click "Install". This is shown in the following screenshot.

Now sit back and have some coffee, the installation might take some time.
Once the installation is complete, you will see the message:

lick "Next" and then "Finish" button on the subsequent dialogue box to complete the installation.

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